Environmental support

We’re working towards a greener future for our region

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We’re working to improve the region’s climate resilience

We help the region to reduce the negative impacts of the climate crisis and boost its climate resilience.

We help the region adapt to the challenges of climate change and protect its landscape through forward-looking territorial planning. We support green public procurement projects and the “smart city” concept, and we help plan and implement other measures that will boost the region’s climate resilience and long-term sustainability.

Environmental support

Our services

We help develop comprehensive, long-term and above all sustainable solutions to the impacts of climate change. We design and implement measures that prevent negative impacts and tackle the effects of the climate crisis.


We manage an interactive database of measures designed to combat climate change, and we propose the optimum combination of these measures to ensure maximum climate resilience in each specific case. We support sustainable investment, and we stand behind the principles of the European Green Deal. We help implement adaptation and development strategies, we draw up climate-proofing plans, and we educate professionals and the general public about the importance of reducing the impacts of climate change.

Our activities

We are partners in projects such as LIFE COALA, which helps to build a greener future for our region and to boost its resilience in the face of climate change. We present examples of good practice and raise awareness of how the region can adapt to this challenge.


We implement pilot projects that demonstrate best practice and can serve as a model and an inspiration for similar projects in the future. We provide key information about the region as a basis for planning and implementing climate adaptation measures. We have a very active social media presence, enabling us to raise public awareness of issues related to climate change and to directly involve local communities in our activities.


Do you have any questions? Perhaps you haven’t found an answer to your questions, or you just want to tell us something? Fill in our contact form and let us know how we can help you.

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